Sunday 26 August 2007


to the natural mind
he acts old slow
slow he grows old

i'm wasting my time
i move here sometimes
sometimes under a bridge
sometimes under a tree
just to get by from one moment to the next until i'm dead and
don't have to do it no more
don't have to live in my body no more
and that's what i'm waiting for
and i won't have to live with this [im]pulse
no more of this lieing dying body

well some think i could get thrown in jail
but that makes no difference
they...they can never lock me up again
i'm eternally free
whether i'm behind bars or outside
it makes no difference to me at all
i'm just made to wait on your impossible muddy judge for his last coming
and then the suffering will be over [from them]
and i'm waiting
i'm made to wait whether i'm out or i'm inside
i'm always made to suffer
because of these people
these children of darkness

it is, it is God...the Devil
that works
that works inside them
to see if i won't uhh
to see if i won't erm come back and urr...
beg them to see
if i will be (what do you call it hahaha)
to be under their control

i'm not under the... their sin legalisation laws
what they have made up
their names and borders and laws and rules and booklet holding
instead of exposing it
it's the Devil's eyes
and they don't want me to say it
it's a God damn Devil's eyes
it's just an army of lies

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